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16 A few of the fountains and gardens
16a Thats the Gulf of Finland in the background
16b All fountains are fed by gravity
16c More fountains
16d The building in back was where Peter actually lived
17 The Winter Palace is just part of the Hermitage
18 The medieval part of Tallein (Estonia)
19 Copenhagen - The real Little Mermaid is in China but you can see it on TV
20 A typical example from the Rose Garden at the Bagatelle in Paris
20a 'Bagatelle' means 'an unimportant item'
20b More Bagatelle roses
21 Note oncoming traffic
22 Well of course we saw it
23 Sainte Chappell window
24 Foucalt pendelum at the Pantheon
25 One wall of Monet's Waterlilies
25a Another wall of Monet's Waterlilies
25b Display room for Monet's Waterlilies
26 Sunset on top the Arc de Triomphe
27 Eiffel Tower light show
28 At Auguste Rodin's place

Jalbum 8.9